Both my brother and my boyfriend are certified Mayophobes. A Mayophobe is classified as someone who is disgusted by and morally opposed to the consumption of Mayonnaise. Neither one of them can be in close proximity to the stuff without pretending to gag, or protesting how gross they think it is. I'm not sure why they both developed this particular phobia, but neither one of them seems in danger of losing it any time soon.
So when it comes to food that involves this particular ingredient, such as these deviled eggs, we play a little game. We pretend as if mayonnaise doesn't exist. They'll ask me what's in the deviled eggs, usually followed by the phrase "There's no mayonnaise right?" And I will nod my head solemnly and say that no, there was no mayonnaise involved whatsoever. Then the pair of them live happily in denial, so that they can enjoy the eggs without worry that mayo is lurking nearby.

And I don't blame them for living in denial for these eggs, because they really are darn good, and we have bacon to thank for that. It's amazing how bacon can really elevate some dishes. It's not that these deviled eggs don't taste good without it, but when it's there, hoo boy, it's a whole nother level. It's the perfect combo of rich and creamy with a much needed salty crunch from the bacon.

I’ve never really used a recipe for Deviled Eggs, I’ve always just followed the way my mom used to make them. A little mayo, a little mustard, and then mixing until smooth. I admit this is a very simple recipe in terms of ingredients, but there is definitely good flavor here. That’s not to say these would be bad with any additional seasonings or spices, so feel free to experiment. I’ve actually made these before with shrimp and they were really tasty. Look at this as a starting point for any deviled egg creations you may be dreaming of.
Start by hard boiling the eggs. I’ve got a method that I use that seems to work really well. First I put all the eggs in a pot, cover them with water, then bring them to a boil. Once they come to a boil, I turn the heat off, cover them with a lid, and let them sit like that for 10 minutes. Once the 10 minutes is up I immediately drain them and they're good to go! Well except for being burning hot that is; please let them cool down a bit before handling them.

While the eggs are rocking and rolling, you can go ahead and cook your bacon. Just make sure to cook extra, because some always seem to go missing in the process. I don’t know what happens to it, but I know for sure it doesn’t end up in my stomach. Ahem.

I find that cooking the bacon in the oven ensures it gets nice and crispy, and I love how I don’t have to keep an eye on it the whole time. Once the bacon is cool enough to handle it can be chopped or crumbled into small pieces. I chopped mine up really fine because I wanted to use a piping bag to fill the eggs. I don’t know that I would use a piping bag again however, because if a piece of bacon is not small enough it can jam up the works in the piping bag very easily.

Once the eggs are cool they can be taken out of their shells and then cut in half.

The yolks then get scooped out into a bowl, leaving behind some lonely looking egg whites.

I used a mixer to make the filling, mainly because it requires less activity on my part. That's just how I roll. The yolks get mixed with mayo (not really guys! I swear!) and mustard until the consistency is smooth. Then some chopped chives and that glorious bacon get added in until combined.

Taste the mixture to see if it needs any additional seasoning. I find that usually the bacon adds enough saltiness, but I might add some pepper if it seems lacking. Once you've got the filling tasting the way you like it, all that's left to do is plop it into the egg whites and enjoy! Just make sure to keep the part about the mayo our little secret, okay?
Deviled Eggs with Bacon12 eggs
3-4 pieces thick cut bacon
¼ cup mayo
2 tbsp Dijon mustard
2 tbsp chopped chives
To hardboil eggs, place eggs in a medium pan and add water to cover them over 1 inch (?). Bring the water to a boil, turn off the heat, and cover with a lid. Let sit, covered, for ten minutes and then immediately drain eggs in colander. Let cool, then peel.
To cook bacon, preheat oven to 400 degrees. Place bacon on a foil lined pan and bake for 15-18 minutes until browned. Let cool enough to be able to handle, then chop.
Slice cooked eggs in half and place the yolks in a medium bowl. Add mayonnaise and mustard to the yolks and mix until smooth. Add in chopped bacon and chives, and mix until combined. Taste filling for salt and pepper and add as needed.
Pipe or spoon filling into hollowed out egg whites. Garnish with additional chives, and paprika if desired.
Everything is better with bacon. Everything.
ReplyDeleteMy sister is a mayophobe too. She did a mayonnaise hair mask in high school, and has not been able to handle the smell of it since.
ReplyDeleteWe threw a fancy pants Thanksgiving dinner, and my friend Aubrey (from Ohio) brought old school deviled eggs. They were demolished long before my artichoke dip was even touched.
I know they're kind of kitschy, but everybody always seems to love em!
ReplyDeleteAnd Shannyn I agree, in my experience, bacon does make everything better.
who doesn't love a deviled egg, they're one fo the first things I look for at a cocktail party! Great sounding recipe
ReplyDeleteThese look delicious!
ReplyDeleteDevilled eggs always loolk so fun and yummy, it's like egg, but not quite. And it comes in an edible 'bowl'!